Happy Birthday Finn
Today is the day I have been dreading and looking forward to since the day Finn was born - his first birthday. Since September 17th is a holiday around the Begley house, I took the day off to spend time with the birthday boy. Finn's birthday morning was terribly exciting; he had the pleasure of spending the morning locked in his high chair watching his mom clean out the laundry room. (I couldn't let him down because he would go straight for the cat food.)
Seriously son, just walk around the table. This is Finn reaching for his breakfast.
Next Finn helped me get ready for the day. While I was putting my makeup on Finn found my hair brush and started swirling it around in the commode. This particular brush is hollow inside so it holds a ton of water. After Finn was sure that he had filled it to the brim he would sling it. This all happened in a matter of seconds. Finn had completely soaked the floor before I could take the brush away from him.
Next, we were off to get a hair cut. It is not Finn's first hair, but it was his first professional hair cut. Danny Welsh, the guy that cuts all the Begley's hair, was the lucky stylist chosen to perform the daunting task. I have provided a visual play by play of the event for the enjoyment of Finn's adoring public, all five of you.
Here we see that Finn has just arrived at Salon Savve. He is completely unaware of the horrors that await him.
Finn is now beginning to wonder what in the world is happening to his Dad.
Here we see that Finn had been introduced to his puppy dog cape. It did not make a good first impression.
Here Danny is getting Finn's hair nice and wet in preparation for the haircut.
And so it begins. . . .
We started out on a pretty good note. Finn was a little nervous, but didn't seem too upset about the hair cut.
The hair cut became much more enjoyable when Finn was able to look at himself in the mirror.
We can see here that the smile is starting to fade. . .
And the apprehension is setting in.
Wait for it. . .
There is it - the money shot. Bring on the tears.
The finished product. He looks so handsome! Danny did a great job. Finn really didn't do that badly, he just got a bit nervous near the end when Danny used the razor. Well, that and the fact that I took his sippy cup away from him.
After the hair cut Finn and I joined Dad for some Taco Bell. We were barely able to get through our meal because Finn was flirting with everyone; he is an equal opportunity flirter. We even found someone willing to take him off our hands permanently. It was a nice offer, but we weren't interested.

Originally I had planned to take Finn to Sweet Ci-Ci's for some "birthday boy" frozen yogurt, but time slipped away from us. Instead, Finn got to take nap. I don't think Finn thought that the trade off was to his benefit.
After supper Michael and I gave Finn the birthday presents we bought for him. He opened his Elmo phone all by himself.

Next he opened his monster dump truck. This was a huge hit. He would crawl around on his hands and knees pushing the truck and making his truck noises. He wasn't excited about his pajamas. During presents Finn got a special visitor. Nana spent the night with us to help me get ready for Finn's party the next morning.

After opening presents Nana and I gave Finn a bath and then Nana read Finn a book. Finn showed Nana how he could make dog noises.
Next, we were off to get a hair cut. It is not Finn's first hair, but it was his first professional hair cut. Danny Welsh, the guy that cuts all the Begley's hair, was the lucky stylist chosen to perform the daunting task. I have provided a visual play by play of the event for the enjoyment of Finn's adoring public, all five of you.
After supper Michael and I gave Finn the birthday presents we bought for him. He opened his Elmo phone all by himself.
After opening presents Nana and I gave Finn a bath and then Nana read Finn a book. Finn showed Nana how he could make dog noises.
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