The Finnsterpalooza

Today was Finn's First Birthday party. Me, Mom and Finn all got up to finish up the cooking and the cleaning for the party. Thank goodness Mom was here because I couldn't have finished it all by myself. First Finn helped Mom sweep. I would have posted some really cute picture, but Mom threatened my life.

The sign that Nana made Finn. She gave it to us in November of last year. Finn was two (2) months old.

Next Finn watched "Thomas the Train" with Dad while Nana showered and I finished making the apple dumplings. Thankfully Finn fell fast asleep while watching T.V. and took a full hour nap before the party started.

A few minutes later Dad and GiGi came followed shortly by Greg, Em, Zac and Coop. It was at that point that we started setting out the food. The party was set to begin at 10:00 so I decided to serve brunch. I made monkey bread and apple dumplings, mom made grape salad, Em made sausage balls and ham biscuits and Deniece made egg casserole. The food was delicious! A big thank you to everyone that brought food.

This was easily the most fun toy of the day. All the babies played with it. Cooper loved when the balls would pop out and hit him in the forehead.

Next the guests started to arrive. Greg, Shelley and Macey T arrived first. Macey T. immediately started playing with Cooper. She absolutely loved him.

This is the end result of the tackle. Macey T. took Coop out.

Greg and Macey T.

Other, but equally as important guested were: Brandon, Carissa and Addison; Chase and Lindsey; John, Courtney and JT; Mimi and Gran; Jeremy, Martha, Emery and Giada; and our very special guests - Laura and Megan, all the way from Sparta. It was so much fun having so many young children in the house.

John and Courtney. What a GREAT father/daughter shot!

Laura and Megan playing with the Finnster.

My sweet cousin Megan. Megan and Laura took 99% of the party pictures. Thank you! I was so

Finn's mountain of presents.

Just a few precious pictures of the birthday boy. I know that I posted a ton, but I just couldn't make up my mind.

The first thing we did when all the guests arrived was to eat breakfast.

After breakfast Finn opened his mountain of presents. Addison was a huge help! Finn's presents are as follows:

A Thomas the Train book from Gene and Minnie; a talking Elmo and Five Dollars from Tracey, Jerry, Josh, Caleb and Rex; a Nursery Rhyme book, a ton of adorable clothes (including an Aerosmith shirt, YAY), a driving car, a blower toy, and a shape toy from Grandad and GiGi; a monster truck and two football shirts from Em, Zac and Cooper; some "B" trucks from John, Victoria, Sarah, Lindsey, Courtney and JT; a tractor from Gran; some basketball clothes and a truck from MiMi; some real authentic Camo and Chuck trucks from Uncle Charlie and Aunt Donna; a hand knitted blanket from Chelsea; a blower toy from Brandon, Carissa, Addison, Chase and Lindsey; 20 dollars from Granny Martha and Papa Bruce; 21 dollars from Laura, Johnny and Megan; 2o dollars from David and Melissa; 20 dollars from Shelley, Greg and Macey T; and a music table, a "B" drumset and some blue jeans from Nana and Papa. Finn had a really good time opening his presents; Addison helped him out a lot - it was really sweet. All the boys would come over and play with Finn's trucks. It was madhouse, but it was so much fun. Finn loved all of his presents and is so thankful for all of them.

The Thomas book was one of Finn's absolute favorite presents.

My super sweet Cooper watching his cousin open presents. So well behaved. Finn should take notes.

Cooper and Zac reading Elmo.

Finn playing with Elmo. Thanks Aunt Tracey!

The boys looking at the Tractor.

Finn's first camo! Uncle Charlie and Aunt Donna are the best!

Mom's look of relief when she realized that didn't buy an all Spanish speaking gift.

My handsome husband. No wonder Finn is so cute.

More presents.

Finn and Coop playing with Thomas.

More party people; Greg, Chase and Lindsey.

Zac, MJ, Coop and baby yet to be named.

Finn's cake from the Cake Lady. The theme of Finn's birthday was "Trucks."

After all the presents were opened, we sang "Happy Birthday" to Finn and we all ate cake. This year Finn's cake had a brightly colored truck on it. True to form Finn devoured a good portion of his cake and then played with the rest.

Finn was the quintessential "birthday cake eater." He was messy and hyper and adorable. I couldn't have asked for more out of him.

At one point I leaned down to talk to him and smeared blue icing all over my cheek.

Brandon, Carissa and baby girl yet to be named.

After cake the party came to a close. Finn, Cooper, Addison, Macey T., Giada, JT and Emery all played together in the middle of the living room floor.

After a couple hundred pictures of the children playing together the adults grabbed their respective kids and left for the day. Mom and Greg hung a certain in the guest room and then they left too. Thanks Mom and Greg for hanging that. And Laura, I promise I will press the curtain at some point in the distant future. Gran hung out for a few minutes and cleaned up. It was such a huge help to us - Thanks!

Next, Finn and I took a three hour nap; we were completely pooped after the "uber" fun party. That one is for you Uncle Zac.


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