
This morning I heard something rustling in the kitchen. I found Finn sitting in the kitchen cabinet attempting to open his graham crackers. Finn's crackers were high up in the cabinet so somehow or another he spotted them and then managed to get them off of the shelf. I promise that I do not starve my child.

Finn's first nap of the day. His second nap wasn't nearly as pleasant. We let him cry it out for about 30 minutes.
After Finn's first nap, he hung out on the couch with his dad.

During the day I went shopping while Michael and Finn went to the grocery store.

After church, Finn was a ball of energy. He sat in the living room floor and played with all of his toys simultaneously.

Finn sitting Indian style.

Finn also took his first actual step tonight. It was only one and it was barely even a step, but I am documenting it anyway.


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