5:30: Friday, November 20, 2009

This morning at 5:30 I heard Finn crying over the baby monitor. I was little confused because recently he has been waking up at around 3:00 and then again around 7:00. As I got out of bed I was a little perturbed that he was up again so to his 3:00 o'clock feeding. But as I was walking down the hall towards his room I realized that I hadn't been up yet at all and that Finn had slept through the night! I was so excited. I know that 5:30 doesn't sound like sleeping through the night, but since I will be up at 5:00 when I go back to work, 5:30 is looking pretty good. I don't know if this will continue - but here's hoping.

This afternoon Finn and I taught our first Mock Trial practice at Beech High School. My brother-in-law David is one of the faculty teachers and ask if I could come help out. Finn was bit scared of the intercom system and was on edge due to all the activity in the classroom. David had to take him out halfway through the lesson.

Later that night we met Brandon and Carissa for supper and then we went to Greg and Shelley's to watch Twilight (in preparation for seeing New Moon). It was fun to have Finn and Macey T together again even though Finn spent most of the night watching the ceiling fan. We have got to get a fan!


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