The Baby Monitor (November 3 and 4 2009)

For the past few weeks Finn and I have been sleeping in the den. First because we don't want to disturb daddy; second because the glider is in the den and finally because I can watch TV while I am feeding Finn at 3:00 in the morning. Originally when I started sleeping on the couch I told Michael that I would come back up to bed once Finn has started sleeping through the night. For some silly reason I thought that I could have him sleeping through the night before he was a month old. Pretty naive.
Today Finn is six weeks and five days old and is no closer to sleeping through the night than the day we brought him home from the hospital. Given that, tonight I decided to let Finn spend the night in his own room. He has never slept in his own room and in his own crib, but for some reason I knew that tonight was the night.
After we got back from Brandon and Carissa's (we are caught up on Flash Forward now - YAY!) I fed Finn and then we all went upstairs to his bedroom. I put Finn in his crib and turned the mobile on. He was instantly mesmerized and couldn't take his eyes off the mobile. He looks so cute and happy in his own bed. It was really hard to leave him in there all alone. He didn't look scared or seem unsure of his surroundings. If he hadn't looked so peaceful watching the mobile I don't know if I could have left him. Before leaving the room I turned the baby monitor on the first time and turned on his SIDS fan - complements of Nanna.
After shutting his door I was a nervous wreck. I am sure that I checked on him at least three times before I went to bed. When I got into bed I prayed that God would protect him from anything that could cause him harm. I also prayed that I would not have a spirit of fear. After that I fell asleep.
Finn seemed to do great in own room. He didn't wake up until 4:15 a.m. and after feeding him he slept until 8:30. When I went to get him out of his crib he seemed really happy. I was really proud of him and relieved that we got the first night in his own room over with. The plan is to have him sleeping in his own room from now on.
I had so many emotions watching him lay in his crib. I was overcome with love for Finn; happiness that he has met one of his big milestones; awe at his little eyes watching the jungle mobile and thankfulness to God for allowing me to take care of him. But the moment was bittersweet as well because it made me realize how quickly he will grow up.
I am sorry that his is such a sappy post - I wanted to remember this night.
On a more normal note, I really could have killed Kodiak tonight. I keep an emergency stash of powdered formula in Finn's diaper bag. Well, Kodiak discovered the stash. Somehow or another he was able to get the big container of formula out of the diaper bag and open the container. When I walked into the kitchen I saw Kodiak eating the powdered formula straight out of the container (talk about drinking out the milk carton!). I really thought I would kill that cat - formula is expensive! Michael told me to scrape the top off and save the rest - but I ended up throwing out the entire container. Thanks Kodiak!
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