Finn's First Bonfire (Saturday, November 14, 2009)

This morning Finn woke up at 5:00 a.m. Dad and Gina got him out of his crib and played with him until around 7:00. Dad said that Finn was in a good mood the entire time. I learned later that Finn had his first sip of Sundrop. Dad would dip his finger in the Sundrop and give it to Finn. If Finn becomes an addict I can honestly say that I had nothing to do with it :)

At around 7:00 they woke me and Michael up and we went to IHOP for breakfast where I had the stuffed French Toast with blueberries. Michael was pretty sure that I wouldn't be able to eat it - but he completely under estimated the fact that I am half "Vaughn" and we Vaughns can eat. I was a little disappointed because it was supposed to be shaped like a football with laces on it and instead it was shaped like a scone. Otherwise, it was delicious.

After breakfast Regina and Micah stopped by. Michael and I kept Micah for a few hours while Regina was teaching at a LifeWay event. We had such a good time with Micah. He is a wonderful baby! During this time me, Gina and Michael alternated helping Dad put up crown molding in my bedroom (my birthday present). My room looks so good.

Then we went to a bonfire at Sharon's family farm. Sharon's family threw the bonfire to celebrate David and Sharon's engagement. After dinner we went outside to roast marshmallows. It was a perfect fall night. It was cold, but it felt really cozy next to the fire. In order to keep Finn warm I kept him in his baby carrier all night. It was so nice to spend time outside with Dad. It was a really fun night.


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