Mama is gonna be okay after all.

Today Michael and I went to a CLE downtown. It was really nice to get dressed and go to town. We met Brandon and Chase at SATCO for lunch before the CLE began. At the CLE I ran into David from my office and we started talking a bit about some of our cases. Today made me realize that I am excited about returning to work. For the first few weeks after Finn was born I dreaded going back to work. Just thinking about leaving Finn and going back to the office made me feel sick. Over the last few weeks that feeling of impending doom has subsided and I am starting to itch to go back. While it is hard to leave him for hours at a time, it makes it that much better when I get home. All the way home from Nashville I couldn't hardly contain my excitement - I couldn't wait to see Finn. I would compare it to the excitement you feel on Christmas Eve. Hopefully I will get that feeling everyday after I go back to work. I know that I will cry when that day finally gets here, so I am writing this down to remind me that in my rational mind I am ready to go back to work and that I will be okay. (In honor of this posting I thought it only fitting to put up pictures of Finn wearing my "Erin Begley - Attorney at Law" cap that I my mom made for me).

Once I got home I fed Finn and then we rocked for a while. It was so wonderful to hold him after being gone all day. He seemed pretty happy that I was home. He just looked at me and then his eyes would get real wide and then we would smile. He repeated this pattern several times.

At around 7:30 Dad and Gina came to spend the night with us for my birthday. That night we ate Taco Soup and had Ice Cream cake from Dairy Queen. After dinner Dad and I encased the windows in my bedroom. Well, Dad encased the windows and I watched.


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