The Lone Tear (October 9, 2009)

Today Finn cried his very first tear. I was in the kitchen cleaning up after breakfast and Finn was rocking in his swing. After a few minutes he began to fuss. Gradually the fussing became louder and longer. I decided to go on with cleaning the kitchen. I had just fed, burped and changed him so I knew that he was okay. After I had finished cleaning I went over to pick Finn up. When I got over to him I noticed a big, huge tear running down the side of his face. I was heart broken. When I picked him up he immediately quit crying- all he wanted was some attention.

After seeing the tear I decided to spend the rest of the day giving my full attention to Finn. We sat upstairs in my new bedroom and played on the bed. Surprizingly he only took a short nap all day. He was pretty exhausted by the time I got him into bed tonight (as so was I). Because he was so tired he slept right through his 1:00ish feeding and I got to sleep, uninterupted, for six whole hours.


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