The Stare Down (November 16, 2009)

Finn has always been a very aware little boy. However, he has not really demonstrated any awareness of our (mine and Michael's) whereabouts until just recently. Today while I was eating breakfast in the glider I noticed Finn looking over at me from his swing. He wasn't just looking in my direction (like he used to) he was looking right at me with the sweetest look on his face. He looked as though he was completely happy just to stare at me. He didn't want to be fed, he didn't want to be held, he just wanted to look at me. The whole time he was looking he was smiling - not a big smile, but instead a very serene smile. This was the first moment that I felt that Finn loves me not just because I feed him, but because he really loves me. That moment ended quickly. The next time I looked over at him he was still looking right at me, but instead of looking content he has this confused look on his face as if to say "why are you not holding me?" We stared at each other all through breakfast this morning.


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