The Hooter Hider (November 1, 2009)

This weekend I purchased what one of my closest friends (who will remain nameless) affectionately calls the "hooter hider." The "hooter hider" is an ingenious little invention that allows mothers to breast feed in public. I love this thing! Just take a look at the picture - yes, Finn is under there and yes, Finn is eating and no, you cannot see my "hooters". Mission accomplished.

Today Gran, Mimi, Grandmother Bryant and Aunt Charlene came to visit Finn. Aunt Charlene is from Ohio and has not had an opportunity to meet Finn yet. We had a really fun time. We had great food, we took lots of pictures and Mimi hung Finn's curtain tie backs. THANKS MIMI!

Afterward the three of us went to Brandon and Carissa's again to watch Flash Forward. They've got us hooked.


  1. I'm so glad that your friend remained nameless, but I must say she's super cute & has great taste in hooter hiders ;)


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