The Mayor of Munchkin Land (November 4, 2009)

Today we took Finn to the pediatrician's office. Over the past few days we have noticed that Finn is a lousy breather. He has always been a noisy breather, but now he is wheezing. It basically sounds like he can't breathe. We mentioned this to his doctor at his three week appointment and she said he was perfectly fine. After that appointment we didn't think much of it, but after several people voiced concern we decided to have the pediatrician look him over again just be sure. After an hour and half of waiting we learned that Finn is fine and that babies just breathe differently. I hope he grows out of it soon because in addition to being scary sounding his loud and wheezy breathing is down right annoying.

Finn was born with a head full of hair all on the parameter of his skull. We joke that he looks like a little old man. In fact one of my pet names for him is "old geezer." Finn is seven weeks old and he still doesn't have very much hair on the top of his head. However, the hair he has is growing down his neck and over his ears. His Uncle Zac calls it a "skullett." Finn's hair is also very fluffy on the sides. Sometimes when his hair is fluffed just right he looks like a munchkin from the Wizard of Oz.


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