Mr. Congeniality

Well, I haven't blogged in a while. Reason being I have been redecorating my bedroom. Every free moment I have had has gone to sanding, priming, painting and preparing for the crown molding. Since I have spent my free time working, I have had little time to blog. As such I am going to sum Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday up in one blog.

This has been particularly hard week because Mr. Finn has been exceptionally needy. Tuesday was an especially hard day. I think that we spent the whole day rocking. Every time I put him down he screamed - when I would pick him back up he would smile and laugh. And when I say smile I really mean that he would grin from ear to ear and squeal in delight. He is the happiest little baby I have ever seen. Finn has become so much fun to be around. He usually wakes up from his naps in a pretty good mood now. When he wakes up in the middle of the night he still cries to get my attention, but when I look in on him over the crib, he gets the biggest grin on his face. He knows that his Mama's going to feed him and he appears so happy to see her. He really has an adorable personality. If he keeps it up he will be voted "Best Personality" in preschool.

Finn has also started trying to talk this week. If you look at him and talk he tries his hardest to talk back. He can't make actual "words" of course, but he concentrates really hard, moves his mouth around and makes big sounds. His talking almost sounds like he is yelling. Michael has been working on saying "mama" and "daddy" with Finn. He will look at Finn and say "Ma" and Finn will try so hard to talk back to him. Michael told me that this was one of the best moments he has had with Finn so far.

Wednesday was my actual birthday. Since Veteran's Day is state holiday both Michael and I had the day off. For my birthday Michael took me to Chef's Market for lunch and then we went to see "A Christmas Carol" in 3-D. It was a really good movie. Afterward I went to church while Michael stayed home with Finn. On my way back home from church I called Michael to check on Finn. I learned that while attempting to feed the Finnster, Michael had spilled almost an entire 5 oz. bottle of milk all over Finn. Michael felt really bad about it - but we have all done it - just ask MJ. :)

On Thursday Michael surprised us by coming home for lunch and by bring 150 feet of crown molding with him. Later that night we went to get some dinner with Brandon, Carissa and Addison and watched Flash Forward. I also made a pan of brownies. Around 10:00 we put Finn to bed. At about 10:15 I decided to make some hot chocolate. I put some water in the tea pot and turned on the eye - or so I thought. I few minutes later I started to smell something burning in the kitchen. I noticed that the pan of brownies was smoking and little flames were flaring up over the pan. Just call me "Susie Homemaker." I grabbed the pan as quickly as I could and threw it in the sink. The entire downstairs was full of smoke! We had to open all the windows in the house in order to keep the smoke detectors from going off. Unfortunately, it was freezing outside. I felt like the worst mom ever. Even though it wasn't really smoky upstairs, I was still afraid that Finn would get the "black lung."


  1. I love that pic of him and MIchael!! He is looking like a little boy. So cute


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