Finn's Rattle (Sunday, November 22, 2009)

Today we finally made to church on time! I have been trying for weeks to figure out how early I need to get up in order to get myself, Finn and Michael ready for church and I think I have figured it out.
Finn was a little bit of a distraction during the service. He slept the whole time, but unfortunately Finn can sound like a fog horn when he breathes. Every so often when Finn would really turn up the volume, the folks sitting around us would turn around and look at him. Thank goodness they didn't look mad. Instead, they would kind of chuckle.

When we got home I gave Finn a rattle to play with. I have tried to get him to hold some of his other toys but they are too big for him. This rattle is just right - it is small, light weight, and most importantly skinny enough for him to get his hands around. He did a great job of holding on to that rattle - at least with this right hand. He was a little shaky with the left but we are working on that. I don't think that he really knew what he was doing. He didn't seem to understand that the rattle was toy. To him it was just something to clutch. Finn keeps his fists clinched for a large portion of the day and the rattle was just another thing for him to clinch. He did clock himself pretty hard with the butt of the rattle a couple times.

As I expected, the rattle has actually just become another thing that Finn puts in mouth. Overall, he really likes the rattle.

Finn also has a new place to hang out. The other day I made a pallet on the floor for him because I am afraid that he is going to roll off the couch. I just take a down comforter, fold it in half twice, put his boppy on it and lay Finn on top. He loves it - and with good reason - it is really comfy! He will lay there for almost an hour and watch TV.


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