Birthday "Blowout"

Today I went to Nashville to visit my OB-GYN. While I was at the doctor's office Finn hung out with Aunt Em and Coop (see MJ's blog for details). Later that night mom, Greg, Em, Zac and Cooper came to celebrate my birthday. For my birthday dinner we went to Larriviere's. It was so much fun. The food was great and Finn slept the entire time. When we got back to my house we noticed that the front door was open and Kodiak was gone. Immediately we all went looking for him. Michael went down the street and scared a little kid to death, Zac and Greg went way back up in the neighborhood near the dumpster and I took the car. About the time I was pulling out of the driveway, MJ found Kodiak asleep under our next door neighbor's bushes.
Next we opened presents. Mom and Greg got me a new bedspread, an ironing board cover, and a new pair of shoes. However, the best gift was that Mom stayed the night and helped me paint my bedroom.
After cake and presents Finn got his first haircut. You always hear about babies' first haircuts, but they are usually older than seven weeks old. Finn did not appreciate the haircut at all, but he looks so cute. While he still has the hairline of a little old man, it looks so much better.
Finally, Finn sat in his Bumbo seat for the first time. He looked so funny sitting in that thing trying to hold his head up. He would look up at me with a very perplexed looking face. At first I thought he would cry, but he really likes it. Finn likes to sit up so the Bumbo is the perfect seat for him. Coop really seemed to enjoy playing with Finn in the Bumbo.
This was by far the best birthday I have ever had, well except for the part when my cat ran away.
PS: The reason this post is entitled Birthday "Blowout"is because Finn blew out the back of two diapers. Two in one day . . . pretty impressive!
Next we opened presents. Mom and Greg got me a new bedspread, an ironing board cover, and a new pair of shoes. However, the best gift was that Mom stayed the night and helped me paint my bedroom.
After cake and presents Finn got his first haircut. You always hear about babies' first haircuts, but they are usually older than seven weeks old. Finn did not appreciate the haircut at all, but he looks so cute. While he still has the hairline of a little old man, it looks so much better.
Finally, Finn sat in his Bumbo seat for the first time. He looked so funny sitting in that thing trying to hold his head up. He would look up at me with a very perplexed looking face. At first I thought he would cry, but he really likes it. Finn likes to sit up so the Bumbo is the perfect seat for him. Coop really seemed to enjoy playing with Finn in the Bumbo.
This was by far the best birthday I have ever had, well except for the part when my cat ran away.
PS: The reason this post is entitled Birthday "Blowout"is because Finn blew out the back of two diapers. Two in one day . . . pretty impressive!
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