Fingernails (November 2, 2009)

Well, after avoiding it for six whole weeks I finally broke down and clipped Finn's fingernails. It has been long overdue! In fact, he had a huge, bloody scratch on his face from his fingernails. I am afraid it is going to leave a scar. I have been avoid cutting Finn's nails because I've been too scared to do it. I thought there was a 100% chance that I would clip his skin and make him bleed. As it turns out clipping his nails was not much of a production. I thought he would scream and jerk around causing me to cut him and thus causing me to cry. But he just kinda sat there. The whole thing went off without a hitch - SCORE!

He also started responding to loud noises tonight. During dinner Michael and I watched "Revolutionary Road." This movie had a lot of yelling and screaming it. Every time the couple would fight and scream Finn would start to cry. When the fighting was over he would stop. It was really kind of sad to see him cry for reasons other than hunger pains. It certainly will make me think before I raise my voice to Michael - not that I ever yell (yeah right).

He has also become quite co-dependent. Not too long ago we could set him in his swing while he ate dinner or spent time doing other things. Now when we are both home, Finn is not satisfied by his swing. He wants to be right next to us. He will cry in his swing until we go get him - once he is with us, he is happy. We have most definitely created a monster. (But I don't mind - I like that he wants to be us).


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