The Little Pumpkin

Well, Finn has officially grown out of his little bottles (4 oz). Today I had to go to Babies-R-Us to buy him 8 oz bottles. Finn is a hoss and eats like one. I can't believe how short lived the little ones were. I don't particularly care for the big bottles - they aren't nearly as cute as the little ones. Finn uses the Playtex Drop-ins. They make me think of my Aunt Laura.

Today was Finn's first Halloween - he was a pumpkin. His costume comprised of a precious pumpkin onsie that Chelsea gave him and a fleece pumpkin jumper that Gran bought him. Since Finn is too little to enjoy all the perks that come with Halloween, namely trick-r-treating and candy, we only went to two places. First we went to Gran's house were Finn was introduced to Sandy and Molly(the dogs). While at Gran's Finn got his first Halloween candy. It was in a gift bag with a stuffed ghost and and a stuffed pumpkin. Finn also was able to spend some time with Uncle David and soon-to-be Aunt Sharon.

Next we went to see Nana and Papa at Em and Zac's house. Nana, Papa and I sat with Finn and Cooper while Em and Zac went to the Vanderbilt game. Halloween was much different at Em's. After our first Trick-r-treater, we turned the lights out, closed the curtains, and ate the Halloween candy ourselves - Take 5s - yum. Daddy also has a fun Halloween holdling down the fort in Hendersonville. He too turned the lights out, pulled the curtains, left candy on the front porch and played WarCraft. Poor Finn - he has some pretty lack luster parents.

Finn and I surprised Daddy went he got home that night. After I pulled into the garage I took Finn out of the carseat and instead of going in the through the garage door, Finn and I went to the front door. The two of us rang the door bell, waited for Daddy to open the door and we said, "trick-r-treat". Finn will never remember this, but I always will.


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