Babies get dirt in the darndest places

Today I was surprised to learn that babies can get dirt under their fingernails. While I was feeding Finn I noticed that his fingernails were dirty. How is this possible? He isn't dexterous, he can't scratch anything purposefully and he certainly isn't playing in the mud. I am at a loss.

During the same feeding I noticed that Finn has a lot of wax in his ears too! It took 5 Q-Tips to clean his ears out and I only cleaned the outer ridge (I didn't go anywhere near the canal - who knows how much is in there). I promise I am washing my child's ears and fingers for that matter. I don't understand how his little ears can have so much build-up in them. Now I admit that I am not the great housekeeper in the world, but Michael and I are very purposeful about keeping Finn clean (I put bath pictures up to prove it). Gosh!
Oh, he can finally sit to take a bath now. Before he couldn't hold his head up so he would lay flat in the sink. Now, he can sit up for his bath as long as we support him. Unfortunately he still tries to lay down which presents a whole new set of problems because he is too long to lay in the sink. Even though he fits perfectly sitting up, he desperately straightens those legs out and lays his head back in the water. He is still really enjoying his baths. He is not crazy about getting his body washed but he LOVES getting his hair washed.


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