Baby Dedication

Today my Mom and Dad dedicated me to God. They stood up in front of my family and friends and promised to teach me about Jesus. It was a great day and I'm going to tell you all about it . . .

When I got up this morning my Mom put me in a "girly" white outfit with a matching bonnet. My dad thought I looked like a sissy. Mom explained to Dad that I was supposed to wear a girly white outfit on baby dedication day. Dad and Papa did not like my bonnet - they thought I looked Amish. My Nanna thought I looked adorable - Gran did too. I was pleasantly surprised to see that other little boys were subjected to the same type of torture because they too were forced to wear girly white outfits. Mom was pretty nervous that I would "pull and Finn" and explode out the back of my diaper. Believe me if I could've I would've - but I didn't have it in me.

Big church was fun so much fun today because Nanna and Papa and Grandad and Gigi sat with me. To show my excitement I decided to make a lot of noise. In fact I made so much noise that Mom had to take me to the lactation room. On our way there I ran into my cuz and he went with me. After I had a snack I met up with Dad in the chapel. I got to sit way up front because my last name starts with a B. I also got to sit right next to my buddy JT! Then Brother David started talking about raising children and my Mom and Dad made a promise out loud to raise me in a Christian home. At this point I could tell that Mom thought that I would misbehave during my dedication so I tried my best to prove her wrong. I was good as gold. As it turns out being good as gold is rather boring and I fell asleep. Unfortunately I missed my entire dedication. However, Mom filled me in on the details. During the dedication Mom and Dad took me on stage. The people at church put my picture up on the big screen and then they gave Mom a rose and they gave me my first Bible. Then the preschool paster lead the entire congregation in a prayer for all of us babies.

Even though I slept through baby dedication I had a great time! I am so lucky to have been dedicated along with my friends JT and Micah. Another reason I loved being dedicated was because I got a ton of presents! Grandad game me a ROCKY onsie (Mom was ecstatic) and Minnie game me a "chewy." Nanna got me an engraved Christmas ornament that has my picture inside. She also wrote me a letter telling me all about the day my Mom was dedicated. My mom read it to me and then she cried. My mom cries way too much - I can't take her anywhere. After everyone had gone home and I was alone with Mom and Dad I decided to show them exactly what I thought of my girly white outfit . . . I "pulled a Finn"!

I want to thank Nanna, Papa, Grandad, Gigi, Gran, Pa, Aunt Em, Coop, David and James for coming to my dedication. It meant so much to me that my family wants me to grow up to know Jesus. I love you!

The Finnster


  1. hahah, that first picture is funny, while everyone is praying, I am running back and forth with 3 cameras taking prayer pictures.


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