My Cousin Cooper's First Birthday

Today is my cousin Cooper's first birthday! Today is also my three month birthday and Mama didn't bother to get me anything. Cooper had his birthday party at Calhoun's. I had a really good time! Everyone was there - Nana, Papa, Grandad, Gigi and Dad! But Dad had to leave early because he got a traffic ticket and had to go to traffic school. What a bummer. (I am going to have Mama teach me the rules of the road.) Anyway, the first thing we did was have supper. We had wings, spinch/artichoke dip, chicken fingers, shrimp and cheese sticks. Next Cooper opened his presents. I got him a noisy ball and a jumpsuit. As it turns out Coop got a lot of toys - so when I am older and I have full use of my hands I am going to play with Coop's toys. Then Mama had cake shaped like blocks. I bet it was really good.

After the party was over I went back to Cooper's house for a few minutes. While there I played in his Elmo chair! My Mama also grossed everyone out when she wiped my snot with her hands and then rubbed her hands together. My Aunt Em may think that Mama is gross - but I call that LOVE.

Overall, it was a great day. I love my cousin Cooper so much and I am so happy that I was able to celebrate his first birthday with him. I can't wait for next year!


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