Packing up Christmas (December 27, 2009)

Today we went to church with Gran and Pa. As expected Finn wouldn't take his bottle so I took him out of the service and walked him around for 30 minutes to keep him from fussing. After church I took down the Christmas tree and the Christmas decorations. I love Christmas trees and I never want to take my tree down. However, this year looking at my tree made me feel sad so I wasted no time in taking the tree down. While I was taking the tree down, Michael and Finn had a standoff. I was sure that Finn would take his bottle we worked with him long enough but I was wrong. Michael tried to feed Finn for an hour. Finn screamed the entire time. We both felt so bad. Needless to say, Finn won.

Later on we spent some time in Finn's room. Michael hung Finn's wall letters and I put away all of Finn's Christmas presents, rearranged his closet and put away of the clothes that he can't wear anymore. While we were working I put in Finn's new lullaby CD entitled Baby's First Hymns; an instrumental arrangement of old hymns. It is absolutely beautiful. When we got to "What a Friend we have in Jesus" I teared up a bit because it made me remember all those Mother's Days when Granny, Mom, Laura and Tracey would sing in Church.

Finn also experienced his first fire tonight. After Michael got back from playing ball he made the first fire of the year and we sat around and watched the last hour of the "Half Blood Prince"


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