Waking the Beast (December 16, 2009)

Well, Finn is still sick. I thought we he was about to turn the corner but he woke up feeling terrible again this morning. So what did we do . . . we rocked . . . all day. Even though rocking is fun, it can get very tiresome. Every so often I would try to put him down, but he would give me the saddest expression and start crying. I couldn't bare it so I picked him back up again and we would go back to the rocker for another round. I did manage to put him in his play gym for about 10 minutes. During that time I prepared pineapple casserole. I have never prepared pineapple casserole so quickly in my life.

For the past few days Finn's has not slept very well. When I am successful at getting him to take a nap he will only sleep for a few minutes at a time. He wakes up every time I either walk by him or he hears any noise whatsoever. So during the day I tip toe around the house trying not to wake the beast. Once I even tried to hide from him. I noticed that he was waking up so I hid on the couch under a blanket. He isn't quite astute enough yet to realize that the huge lump on the couch is his Mama. Luckily, my little act of trickery worked. He didn't see me so we went back to sleep!


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