Nanna's birthday (December 10, 2009)

Today is my Nanna's birthday. I arrived at Nanna's house at about 4:00 yesterday. It was freezing. When we got there the back door was locked. My Mom knocked and knocked to no avail. So she went back to the car to get her key. When she got back she tried her best to unlock the door, but her key was sticky and she couldn't get the door open. Bare in mind the whole time this was going on I was sitting in my carseat freezing to death without my hat on. My mom has a lot still to learn.

For dinner, Papa took us to Red Lobster. We didn't have to pay for Nanna's meal because the Lobster messed up her dinner. They were suppose to give her Coconut shrimp (her favorite) but they gave her plain old battered shrimp instead. In order to make everything good they brought Nanna more shrimp so we ended up taking home about 12 jumbo shrimp for free! At the resturuant my cousin Cooper played in the floor while I was stuck in my seat. But I did a good job. I hardly made a peep.

When we got back home I made my Aunt Em sick. I had a doozy of a diaper. One sniff of my work and she went running into the next room. Oops. Next we opened presents. I got Nanna a J.C. Penney giftcard. I also wrote her a birthday card. Actually it was a Christmas card that I ingeniously turned into a birthday card. The card read - "Wishing you . . . Peace and Joy" to which I added, "on your birthday. " I am wise beyond my years. Then my Nanna opened her present from Papa - he got her a bag of peanut M'M's accompanied by a "NETBOOK." It was so neat. Now Nanna can read my blog from the comfort of her recliner. Then we had triple layer chocolate cake. Well, Mom had cake which means I got cake about 30 minutes later. I also got a few doses of Mom's Benadryl today too!

Happy Birthday Nanna - I love you!


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