Mama's Face (December 30, 2009)

Today Grandad and Gigi came to sit with Finn while Michael and I went to see Sherlock Holmes. Before going to the movie we all had lunch at Red Robin. It was at Red Robin that I almost dropped Finn. It all started while we were being seated. I was trying situate Finn and his car seat in the booth. At some point the front end of the carseat slipped and tumbled over toward the ground. I ended up grabbing both the carseat and Finn's face to keep him from bumping his head or falling to the ground. Thank goodness he was still strapped in. He looked a little startled but he didn't cry.
Later that night while Michael was playing basketball, I took Finn to play in his room. We spelled his name out on his new rug and had some tummy time. I also took the opportunity to take pictures of everything.
Before putting Finn to bed he did something so sweet. While I was feeding him he reached up and started rubbing my face. He start at my eyebrows and would run his hands down to my chin. Now Finn has whacked me in the face before, but this was different. He was so deliberate and thoughtful. It was almost as if he was studying my face. When he got to my chin he started all over again. He did this the whole time he was eating. It took me a while to feed him because he smiled so much.
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