Over the River and Through the Woods . . . Part 2


After leaving my Granny and Papa's house we drove to Clarksville to have Christmas with Michael's grandmother. The drive from Sparta to Clarksville took approximately 3 hours - luckily Finn slept the entire time. When we arrived at Mimi's house Finn met his Uncle Charlie and Aunt Donna, his Uncle Jimmy and his second cousins William and Heather. Next we opened presents. Some of the gifts Finn received included three "rockin" outfits, including his first pair of blue jeans from his Aunt Donna and Uncle Charlie, Mimi gave Finn some cute outfits as wellm Jimmy, Heather and William gave Finn a really snuggly blanket and Aunt Tina gave Finn a "baby's first christmas" picture frame.

After dinner and gifts Finn started fussing so his Gran held him to attempt to calm him down. Finn, being the stubborn baby he is, was not giving in. After a few minutes Finn's Uncle Jimmy walked over, picked Finn up and started talking to him. Immediately Finn calmed down. It was so sweet. Before we left for the evening Uncle Charlie took some pictures of Finn.

Since Finn was so tired we thought that he would sleep all the way home - he didn't sleep a wink. For the first half hour he sat in the backseat and talked and gurgled and generally seemed to have a good time. However, the second half hour he began to fuss. We noticed that if we turned the interior lights on in the car, he would settle down. So we drove with the interior lights on the rest of the way home. Oh, and there was an amber alert out tonight. They were looking for a blue Ford Expedition and we were in a blue Ford Explorer. I was nervous that people would not know the difference in the dark and would call us in to the highway patrol - especially since were driving with the interior lights on. Thank goodness - we made it home with no trouble.


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