My pretty little girl – Sunday, December 20, 2009

Today is the last Sunday before Christmas so Finn wore his most adorable Christmas outfit. Michael was not completely thrilled with the outfit because he thought it made Finn look like a girl. Sure enough when we dropped Finn off at the nursery the nursery worker asked what “her” name was. Another couple behind us told us that they thought “she” was so cute. As much as I hate to admit it Michael was right.

Today was also Finn’s first day to go to the nursery. He stayed through the service and through Sunday School. When I went to pick him up, he was sitting upright in a swing just grinning away. He could see me, but he looked so content to be in the nursery. His good buddy T.J. was in his class too!

After church Finn and I went to Sparta for the Broyles Christmas party. This was Finn’s first time to meet his great, great aunts and uncles and third, fourth and fifth cousins. Needless to say Finn had a good day. Finn was also able to spend some quality time with his Papa Bruce. Papa has a very calming effect on Finn. When Finn would get fussy Papa would make a noise in Finn’s ear that would stop the fussing entirely. After the reunion was over we went to Mom’s church for a Christmas pageant. I was looking forward to seeing the Christmas pageant because I heard it was really funny. Unfortunately I didn’t get to see any of it because Finn started fussing the minutes the lights went out. I ended up sitting in the hallway with him through the entire performance. Happily, we were able to visit with Jamie and Sarah Beth. Sarah Beth really seemed to enjoy Finn. She would just reach for him, smile at him and talk to him. She also was very interested in his bottle. At least somebody wanted that bottle! On a funny note, during the performance Mom’s cell phone rang. It was so loud I could hear it out in the hallway!

I was excited to be spending the night at Mom’s house. I slept in the den next to the tree and Finn slept in Mom’s room.


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