Dr. Dad

Well, last night was tough. Since I was sick I decided to sleep on the couch. Michael volunteered to keep the baby monitor in our room with him in order to allow me to get some uninterrupted sleep. I agreed and told Michael to bring Finn down to me if he happens to wake up hungry. Finn has been sleeping through the night pretty regularly so neither of us expected him to wake up during the night, or so we thought. At around 12:40 I heard Michael in Finn's room burping him. This was very confusing to me because Finn had not been fed. A few minutes later Michael brought Finn down. Finn was acting really strange and was gagging. I fed him while Michael perused the "What to Expect the First Year" book for any reason why Finn may be gagging. After feeding Finn we put him back to bed. At about 2:40 Michael and Finn were up again. So I fed him for a few minutes and he put in back to bed. 4:40 - same thing. 6:00 - same thing. This time I asked Michael to leave Finn with me. I put him on the couch with me and we slept until around 7:00. When Finn woke up at 7:00 he was screaming pretty loud, he had a terrible rattly cough, a temperature of 101 and he was crying real tears. We got him ready and took him to the pediatrician's office. Unfortunately Finn was diagnosed with an ear infection. I felt so guilty for making my baby sick. I know that ear infections are not contagious, but whatever made me sick made Finn sick as well. He was so pitiful - even though in most of the pictures he looks happy, he felt so bad. When we got home from the Doctor's office we gave Finn his antibiotic and some Tylenol. Thankfully, he slept most of the day and Michael and I were able to take a much needed nap.
It is so sad to have a sick baby. His little cry is so heartbreaking because it is so soft and weak. His sleeping has also been a bit sporadic. The only upside is that all Finn wants to do is sit and rock and that is all we have done for two days.
Finn and I want to thank Dad for taking such good care of us. I am sure that it is really hard to have a sick wife and a sick baby.
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