Christmas Morning

Today is Christmas morning. Finn woke up for the first time at around 1:30. It was too early to open presents so I fed him and put him back to bed. He woke up again at around 7:30 so again I fed him and then we got back in bed with Dad. The night before I come up with this wonderful plan of going into Finn's room, waking him up and then taking him downstairs for Christmas morning. Not surprisingly, Finn's stomach ruined that plan. However, I didn't allow this little glitch to curtail my plans. After I fed him I put him back in his bed. Then Michael and I got the video camera and we went into Finn's room as though we were waking him up for first time on Christmas morning. After we got him out of bed we took him downstairs to see what Santa had brought him. He seemed pretty impressed with his jumping gym. He played in it for while. After playing with Finn, Michael and I exchanged gifts. I got him a pair of shoes and a coupon for a mouse. In addition to Harry Potter, Michael got me some Hanes tanks and a gift card to Home Depot.
By the grace of God I will spend many Christmas mornings with Michael and Finn, but I am so thankful that our first Christmas as a family was wonderful. I love you two!


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