My Little Fat Fish (Tuesday, December 1, 2009)

Today Finn officially became a fish. Using some of the money we received as a baby gift, I bought an "Under the Sea" themed play gym. I thought it only fitting that a child with the name Finn have a few "fishy" toys. I don't know if he has developed enough to appreciate how neat this play gym really is. When I first laid him in it all he would do is look at me (I have read that an infant's favorite toys is his parents' faces). After a few minutes he started to look at the toys. He even held on to the one of the rings hanging from the gym.

We are also noticing how big Finn is getting. Michael spent last night in Bristol and commented when got home that Finn looked bigger than he did yesterday when he left. Finn is also becoming a little pudge master. I love fat babies! I am so happy that Finn is going to be a big baby (just like his Mama). Just take a look at those cheeks and legs! His cheeks are so full that you can barely pinch them; it almost fills like they are going to pop.


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