Traveling Man (December 3rd and 4th, 2009)

On Wednesday Finn and I decided to go to work with Daddy. Michael had a hearing in Knoxville on Thursday so we though it would be fun to go too! We were right. After Michael got home from work Wednesday afternoon, we packed the car and headed for Knoxville. On the way we stopped in Cookville to eat dinner at Ruby Tuesdays. At the resturuant Finn was acting so cute and I wanted to take a picture. I pulled by camera out and I noticed that I had left my memory card at home!!!!! ARGGGHHH!!! I was so upset - Finn's first trip and I can't take any pictures. (The pictures I posted are just random).
Later that night we arrived at the Crowne Plaza. We had a nice warm room (we keep our house fairly chilly so when we got to hotels we go all out) with the best nursing chair I have ever sat in. The hotel also brought us up a fairly ghetto looking crib - nevertheless it got the job done because Finn slept all night. The next morning Michael went to court while Finn and I hung out on the king sized bed. We also practiced sitting. Finn can kind of sit up a little now. I will put him in the position and he will lean forward just enough to get his bearings and then he will balance for about 30 seconds. The sitting always leads to the same result - Finn falling over. Seeing this gave me an idea . . . I put a pillow behind Finn and let him practice falling backwards. The first time he fell backwards his eyes were huge - I thought we was going to fuss, but when he saw us laughing he started smiling too.

I had a such a good time on our mini-trip. I can't wait to take more family vacations with Finn!


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