
Today we spent the morning at Mom’s house. In the early part of the morning we listened to a Christmas CD that Kara and Nathan made for Mom. Mom sang and danced for Finn. Finn really enjoyed the dancing. Next I went to Walmart to buy Finn diapers and wipes. While I was at Walmart Nana put Finn in the swing, turned “Thomas the Train” on and let Finn watch. After a while Finn got sleepy and slept for three whole hours! This is amazing to me because Finn has not been sleeping well lately. While Finn was napping, Mom and I wrapped Christmas presents.

Later than evening we went to Dad’s house. Finn was in a really good mood - that is until we tried to give him a bottle. Finn absolutely refuses to take his bottle now. The minute you even touch the bottle to his lips he starts gagging. He is so stubborn and pretty smart; he knows exactly how to get what he wants.


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