Christmas with Gran and Pa (December 26, 2009)


Today we went to Gran and Pa's for Christmas. This was our first family Christmas with Sharon. Finn had a wonderful Christmas morning at Gran and Pa's house. He got some really cute outfits and a beautiful Christmas ornament with blocks. Gran also got him three lullaby CDs complete with a CD player for his room. Finn also got a little suitcase that looks like a tiger and some toy rings. Finally Finn got a wonderful high chair that pulls right up to the table. So, very soon Finn can sit at the table and eat with his parents.

After gifts we had Christmas breakfast and then we went next door to hang out with Zoe. Next, the three of us took a Christmas nap. After our nap we left Finn with his Gran and Michael and I went to Arby's for a little R and R.

We are so thankful to our families for making Finn's first Christmas so memorable (at least to us). He is so blessed to have so many people that love him.

We love you,

Michael and Erin


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