
Finn has added a new word to his repertoire - duck. Better known to we adults as truck. Finn LLLLoves (with a capital "L") trucks. He plays with this truck at home all the time. Sometime he will even make a truck sound while crawling around on this knees. After church on Sunday we were sitting in the Kroger parking lot when Finn started yelling. I was sitting up front looking out the front window when all of a sudden Finn started yelling over and over again "duck." I turned around and Finn was pointing at a truck parked right next to us. This has not been the first occurrence; in fact, he does this on a fairly regular basis, but I wanted to be sure before I blogged about it. Since all the important works in Finn's life start with either a "b" or a "d" (bite, bottle, ball, book, bye, and Dad) it doesn't surprise me that a truck is pronounced "duck." Sunday afternoon nap One of Finn new favorite past-times, w...