Public Apology

I would like to take a moment to issue an official public apology to MJ and Coop. Last night she called me and asked if she could come swim in my pool. I, of course, told her yes and then told her that I would leave the key to the pool in the mailbox. Well . . . I forgot. And poor Em and Coop drove all the way from Nashville to find no key in the mailbox. First I want to apologize for my absentmindedness and second, I want to say that it was all Finn's fault. I am not sure how it was Finn's fault, but it was. That is one good thing about children, you can always blame them for your shortcomings. In all seriousness, MJ, I am so, so sorry.

Today is Wednesday meaning that I get to spend a half a day with Finn after court. I look forward to Wednesday all week long. Wednesday are usually fairly busy mornings because I have to be at the courthouse at 9:00. Inevitably something happens that puts me just a few minutes behind. Today, was no exception. As I was walking into the garage (I had Finn in one arm and the diaper bag, purse and briefcase in the other) I saw the carseat sitting on top the car. Thanks Dad.
Instead of letting Finn roam around in the garage like last time I put him the front seat floor board and closed the door.

He ended up finding his way over the arm rest and into the drivers seat.

Game, Set, Match to Mama; that boy loved the front seat. That little experiment won me a little bit of love and affection. Just look at that happy and adoring face.

When I dropped him off and Victoria's house he wiggled for me to let him down. He crawled right over to JT's books and toys and started playing. The next thing I know Finn has found JT's sippy cup and had it turned up. By the way, we are down to two (2) bottles per day now.

After picking Finn up from Victoria's later that day we had to go back to the office. Finn opened my filing cabinet and started pulling files out by the handful. There were random papers everywhere. Next we went to grocery store to pick up some corn on the cob and milk. We finally made it back to the house around 4:00.


  1. I love that onesie he has on!! So to make you feel worse, i decided to go birthday shopping for Finn since I was in Galatin. I got a lot done. hahaha. Don't feel bad. I didn't mind...REALLY. Love you

  2. It looks like he's trying to back out in that one picture


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