This morning Finn found a half full gallon of milk on the coffee table. He managed to lift it off of the coffee table and put it on the floor. He tried his best to drink from it, but it was just too heavy, well that and the lid was on.
I can't believe how mature Finn looks in the this picture. He is definitely growing out of his little baby phase.
Tonight at dinner Finn was disgusting; so disgusting that I didn't even want to touch him. For some reason Finn decided that he would pull chewed up food out of his mouth and squish it in his hands. Then he would put his hand all over everything.

You are looking at snot, graham crackers, milk, and spaghetti.

If he didn't have food all over his face, this would be a really good picture.

Helping us clean up after dinner.

Looking for Dad

Dad spotted!

Enjoying the fact that Mom and Dad are both outside.

Concerned that Mom and Dad are never coming back.

This is a picture of Finn playing with his donkey. He goes through phases with the donkey. Some days he loves it, and some days he is scared to death of it. Today he was fine with it as long as he was sitting in his dad's lap.

I have a new favorite thing that Finn does! I waited to blog about it until I knew for sure that it wasn't a fluke. Every night I give Finn a bottle while rocking him to sleep. For the past month or so he has refused to let me hold the bottle. Instead he lays on his back and holds it himself. He used to fall asleep while eating, but now Finn stays awake to finish. When he is finished he puts the bottle in one hand and holds the bottle up in the air. After I take it from him he closes his eyes and goes to sleep. It is precious.


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