Bed head
Today Michael took Finn to Victoria's house so I was able to get ready at my own pace. I got up with Finn at 6:00 and we went downstairs to play. Finn spilled a whole cup of coke on the floor. This was not my idea of a good time, but Finn was really proud of himself.
Check out that "bed head."

After destroying the den we played in the kitchen where Finn stood all by himself for almost a full minute. I kept expecting to take a step at any moment.
When I got home from work I prepared dinner at we all sat down to eat. Finn ate half of a banana and a ton of my grilled cheese sandwich. If you want to know the way to Finn's heart make him a grilled cheese sandwich or for that matter just give him cheese.
We are down to three bottles a day now. I am going to try for two next week. Out of necessity, Finn has grown more accustom to his sippy cup. Now when he sees it, he will crawl over to it, pick it up and take a big swig. Tonight at dinner I let Finn keep his sippy cup with him on his highchair tray. After every sip he would throw his sippy cup on the tray as hard as he could. One time he missed the tray completely and hit Michael square on the foot. It must have hit just right because it really hurt. I finally caught on and took the sippy cup away from him.
After dinner Finn took a long bath. After drinking up half of the bath water he splashed the other half all over me, Michael and the bathroom floor.
This is random video of Finn playing with Micah's walker.

After destroying the den we played in the kitchen where Finn stood all by himself for almost a full minute. I kept expecting to take a step at any moment.
When I got home from work I prepared dinner at we all sat down to eat. Finn ate half of a banana and a ton of my grilled cheese sandwich. If you want to know the way to Finn's heart make him a grilled cheese sandwich or for that matter just give him cheese.
We are down to three bottles a day now. I am going to try for two next week. Out of necessity, Finn has grown more accustom to his sippy cup. Now when he sees it, he will crawl over to it, pick it up and take a big swig. Tonight at dinner I let Finn keep his sippy cup with him on his highchair tray. After every sip he would throw his sippy cup on the tray as hard as he could. One time he missed the tray completely and hit Michael square on the foot. It must have hit just right because it really hurt. I finally caught on and took the sippy cup away from him.
After dinner Finn took a long bath. After drinking up half of the bath water he splashed the other half all over me, Michael and the bathroom floor.
This is random video of Finn playing with Micah's walker.
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