Rip Van Finnster

Today Finn took two legitimate naps! The first nap took place in the nursery! I am sure that the nursery workers were both surprised and thankful. His second nap was a doozy; he slept an hour and half. He fell asleep in my lap while I was rocking him. Half way through I fell asleep so the two of us moved the couch. I was sure that he would wake up, but he didn't, and we slept for another 45 minutes.

When Finn wasn't napping he spent time reading with this Dad.

He played with his blocks.

Michael would stack them and Finn would take one block off of the stack at a time. He would pull the block up with enough force to lift a five (5) pound dumbbell, show the block to us, and then hand it to Michael.

He looked at his Magic Kingdom brochure.

Notice that he has a black smudge on this mouth. This is from chewing on his "Kroger" balloon.

Finally, he crawled around in the yard and played with the empty water jugs. He looks so funny crawling in the yard. Our grass is really course and prickly and it hurts his knees. To avoid getting stuck, Finn half crawls/half walks. He stays on his hands, but sticks his hind end in the air and walks around on his feet.


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