Babies are Hard Work

Today I spent the whole day with Finn. We are having a few people over this weekend, so I decided to get some cleaning done on my day off. Finn was nice enough to help. He actually ended up just making a big mess. This picture pretty much sums up how my day with Finn went; I would put something away and he would pull it right out again.
First we cleaned up the kitchen. I turned some music on to make the work more enjoyable. Finn sat in the floor and danced while I mopped. I actually mopped the entire floor with Finn right at my heels. No worries though, I only mopped with water. Next we moved into the living room. I turned my back for a few seconds and turned around to find Finn in my mop water. It was fairly clean so I let him splash around while I went to get my camera.

Finn soaked the floor, literally. He ended up knocking over the whole bucket. There was water everywhere.
This is Finn's excited face.
While I was mopping up the all the water, a wet Finn found the salt shaker and dumped most of the salt out onto the floor. Note I had just finished mopping that area not two minutes before. Since he was already wet from playing in the mop water, the salt stuck to him. So I pulled out the vacuum cleaner and the mop again.

I also realized that Finn knows exactly how to hold a cell phone. Usually he put the phone directly into his mouth. You've come a long way baby.
"Can you hear me now?" Sorry, I couldn't resist.
If you happened to have gotten a call from me today chances are Finn did the dialing. Midway through the day I got a call from Mom. Apparently Finn had called her without my knowing.
Finn also spent a good portion of his day opening the cabinet. I couldn't risk Finn getting into the cleaning cabinet again so I put a homemade baby lock on it; a rubber band stretched across both knobs. Worked like a charm. Finn would attempt to open one door and both would open and then both would immediately shut. This was really confusing for him. After a few minutes of opening the doors, just to have them close over and over again, he moved on to the next cabinet door and opened it. When it stayed open he looked over at me with a very satisfied look on his face and immediately went back to the cleaning cabinet to try again. When the door slammed shut again he furrowed his brows and it really sounded like he said "huh." Once he admitted defeat he moved on to the pots and pans cabinet and then he struck a pose. I promise that I had nothing to do with this. This is all Finn.

The pose kind of looks like a senior picture.

After dinner Finn popped a balloon with his teeth and then played fetch with Kodiak. Finn would throw the ball and both he and cat would take off after it.

In spite of all the mess, today was a great day. All Finn wanted to do was hang out with me. When we were finished cleaning Finn sat in my lap and took a long nap. He really wouldn't let me put him down the rest of the day.


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