
You can tell that football season is quickly approaching when total strangers publicly "boo" your baby. Today while grocery shopping a man and woman passed Finn in the meat section. They were probably in their late fifties/early sixties. The man walked right up to Finn and started "booing" him right in the store. I must say that it shocked him a little. Finn wasn't wearing anything "boo" worthy at all. You can see from the pictures that he was wearing a maroon tee-shirt with a white number trimmed in gold. The shirt did not have any particular sports team or logo on it. After "booing" Finn the man asked if Finn was a Redskins fan or a FSU fan. We politely said neither. You may ask, how did Finn respond to such uncalled for taunting? I am proud to say that my boy killed them with kindness. He smiled and laughed and waved and reached and generally acted like a very gentlemanly sports fan.

At the checkout counter Finn got called another name, this time it was "ham." Finn really enjoyed interacting with the clerk and a woman behind me said, "that boy sure is a little ham." I couldn't disagree. When we got home Finn went about his normal Saturday afternoon business.
He played on the computer with Dad;

He climbed the computer desk;
He hung upside down;

Then he got his bearings after hanging upside down;

And he had a bath.
After church Macey T. stopped by to play with Finn. These two were born two (2) days apart and Macey is ready to run a marathon. I was amazed at how well she could walk.
Finn and Macey played really well together. Finn shared his toys and Macey T. shared her puffs.
Then they got together and "dog piled" Greg.


  1. We'll pretend it's an FSU shirt!!! Good job Finnster. BOO that guy


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