Or at least Finn and I think so. Today Finn and I discovered that we had a mutual love and appreciation of pinto beans. I have liked pinto beans my entire life. In fact, my submission for the Kindergarten cookbook was Mama's pinto bean recipe. Tonight Finn enjoyed them for the first time. They are the perfect food for babies. Bite sized, soft and nutritious!

He washed them all down with a big gulp of milk. Finn is getting better at letting us know what he wants. After two (2) bites, Finn would point to his cup. After he pointed I would give it to him and he would take a sip. After two more bits, same thing. Clearly Finn is preparing to drink Route 44s with his dad.
As for the rest of Finn's day . . .

He played Hide-N-Seek with his kitty.

Maybe this would be more appropriately characterized as hide, seek and then pull your kitty's hair out. And people wonder why cats don't like children.

He hung out with his Uncle David.

He hung out in new pajamas. Normally, I let Finn sleep in just his diapers during the hot months. I realize that today has been the hottest day of the summer (heat index 110), but I couldn't resist. He looked so cute in those pajama pants.

Finally, Finn played with his Thomas the Train. Every time the wheels move, it plays the Thomas song. I love when Finn plays with this train, because I always know exactly where he is. Maybe I should get him a bell.

Finn also discovered that his Mama has a huge mouth. During his bath, he found a red plastic ball floating in the water. He proceeded to pick it up and shove into my mouth. It wasn't a huge ball, but even I was surprised that it fit. After he shoved it in, he pulled it out and immediately squealed with delight. He would then try his best to put the ball in his mouth. This went on for about 15 minutes. I make me feel good to make him laugh. Even if I do feel completely ridiculous.
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