Th-th-th-That's All Folks!

I would like to thank Erin for allowing me to be her "guest-blogger" this weekend. This will be my last post because Finn is leaving our house today after church.

Finn awoke bright and early, raring and ready to go.

Papa passed his initiation into the dirty diaper fraternity. A thorough complete change with no gagging. Way to go Papa!

A few last dastardly deeds before exiting Nana and Papa's.
Here we see him removing the vents.

What's that in his hands? Could it be... the batteries from the remote? Why, I believe it is.
What a surprise!

"Sound check anyone?

Actually Finn was very good during early service. As soon as the sermon started he fell asleep. Sorry Dr. Cox.

  • Finn and Karl Nation engage in a riveting discussion of theology after church.


    "Whatcha gonna do about it?"

    "Look Mom"

    Is this what they call "falling off the wagon?"

    "Oh please let me go home!"


  1. Mom,

    Your blogs are sooo funny!! I love the bloopers!! Thank you so much for blogging for me. It was so much fun to get on everyday and check for a new post. I love you.



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