We have a new rule in our house - if the sun's not up, Finn's not getting up. He woke up today at 5:30, but we didn't let him get out of bed until 6:45. The extra hour of sleep was heavenly. While I was getting ready for work Finn watched the rain and ran his fingernails down the screen.

After getting Finn ready for his day I saw that the car seat was sitting in the living room. It takes me a few minutes to get the car seat secured and I couldn't leave Finn unattended in the house so I took him with and let him sit in the garage. His little knees were so black from crawling around in the garage floor. You may ask, why didn't you just leave him in the house? Well, Finn has grown quite fond of the Comet container and just a few minutes prior he had pulled the container out from under the sink and spilled it all over the floor. Where was I? Standing right over him washing dishes - he is pretty slick.

After we got home from work Finn got an hankerin' to read the Bible.
Unfortunately he got a little too excited and ripped one of the pages out.
And then he handed it to me.

When I looked at the page I saw it was only part of the preface so I let him hang on to it for a few more minutes.

During dinner we noticed that Finn was having a very difficult time staying awake. So after finishing up I let Finn take a 20 minute nap while Michael and I watched Lost.



  1. awww, I love it when he sleeps on you. That's precious. You're gonna have to get some locks for your cabinets so my baby doesn't get poisoned. No more Vanderbilt visits between our two families!!!!!!


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