One Month From Today

Today Finn is 11 months old. My heart just aches with both love for him and sadness that everything before this day is but a memory. I readily admit that I have been in a weird mood the last few days. I haven't blogged since Saturday and I can't really put my finger on why other than the fact that Finn really hasn't done anything all that remarkable. Then I got to thinking, maybe he has done loads of things that are remarkable and I just haven't been paying attention. I think that I chalk the whole thing up to just a little bit of depression. Finn is growing up and no matter how hard I try to hold on to him or how hard I try to make time slow down as much as possible, our lives, Finn life is a mist. Sitting here writing this blog I am so sad that I can't hardly remember what Finn did over the last few days, much less the last few months. I say all of this to emphasize that I am so thankful for the blog. I realize that most of what I blog about is pretty mundane, but I have to remember that the purpose of the blog is to record and remember the mundane; to remember that Finn loves to eat styrofoam cups, that he thinks that one day he will actually be able to catch the running water in the bathtub, and that going through the bathroom cabinets is better than Christmas morning. Therefore, I will continue to write about the life and times of the Finnster, even if that writing could bore one to tears.

I am beginning to understand why television is such a bad thing for children to watch; even children that we believe are too young to be influenced. This morning a beer commercial came on TV. The commercial has a very catchy "islandy" sounding beat. I must admit, that I enjoy the commercial just for the song. Well, this morning I looked down and saw Finn dancing to the commercial. When Finn dances he bounces from his torso and bangs his hands on his thighs; it is precious. Mind you, this is not an isolated occurrence, I just noticed it today, or maybe I should say it just bothered me today. I got to thinking, no wonder our children have such a hard time with alcohol since, we, as their parents set them up for failure by allowing them to watch commercials full of catchy music, pretty people and fun party images. Granted Finn is too little to understand the content of the commercial, but even at 11 months something about that commercial draws him in. Mission accomplished for the beer company - they have planted their seed. This image gave me a real shot of reality, no pun intended.

Today Finn spent the day with Gran, Joseph, Turner and Walker. Since all four (4) of are going back to school fulltime on Monday, they wanted to spend one last day with the Finnster.
First they went to the walking track for a stroll.
As you can see the stroll really tuckered Finn out.

Then it was off to the library where Finn "wowed" everyone with his ability to make animal noises. Finn can now say "meow" but it comes out more like owwww.
Tonight was my bible study night so Finn and I had to squeeze a whole night full of fun into two (2) short hours. First he dug around in the cabinets;
then he hung on the arm of the couch;
Finally he played in his carseat.

When I got home from bible study Finn was asleep. I went upstairs and gave him a kiss and secretly wished that he would wake up so that I could help him go back to sleep. Last night Finn woke up at 10:30 and started crying. Unless he is sick I don't let him get out of his crib. Instead I stand over his crib and rub his arm or his head until he falls back to sleep. Last night I was too tired to lean over the crib so instead I sat next to it and held his hand through the bars. After a few minutes, he went right back to sleep.


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