Tis Better to Give than Receive

Today Finn spent the whole day with his Gran. Gran has been out of town visiting Pa and hasn't kept Finn for a couple of weeks. Finn was very happy to see his Gran. After giving Finn a hug, she gave him the presents that she brought back from Oklahoma; a stuffed horse, a "Thomas the Train" book and a pair of dinosaur pajamas. Next I packed Finn's bag for his big adventure to the country club. Finn spent the whole day playing with Joseph, Turner and Walker. You can read all about it Gran's post.

Tonight after Michael and I got home from work and Finn got back from the pool we all went to Target to pick out a birthday present for Micah.

Finn made sure to peruse the entire F16 aisle before making his selection. Only the best for Micah.
He also tested out some of the toys.

In the end we picked out soft alphabet blocks. We picked blocks because right now they are Finn's favorite.
When we got home I started preparing dinner while Michael mixed Finn's oatmeal. While we were working we heard Finn gag. We both turned around and saw that Finn was perfectly fine. A few seconds later we heard another gag, and another. Then we started hearing suckling noises followed immediately by gagging. We walked over to him and saw something awful - Finn was trying his hardest to suck his thumb. His mechanics were way off causing him to stick his thumb too far down his throat, thus triggering his gag reflex. Finn has never been a thumb sucker. During the early weeks we tried our best to get him to take either his thumb or a pacifier with absolutely no success whatsoever. I truly hope this was fluke.


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