Buddy Run/Finn's First Picnic

Em and Zac before the race.

Mom and Finn. This actually could be Finn refusing to give Mom a kiss. He thought this was really funny.

Cyndi and Coop.

Uncle Zac crossing the finish line.

Dad crossing the finish line.

Aunt Em after the race.

Finn and Coop waiting in line at the Pancake Pantry.
Oh how the tables turn. This morning we went into Finn's bedroom at 5:30 and woke him up from a sound sleep. He did not appreciate being woken up so early in the morning. I thought it was quite fitting given that he has not allowed his parents to wake up naturally in almost an entire year. The reason that we got up so early on a Saturday morning was to go with Em, Zac, and Coop to the Buddy Run. It is a 5k held in Cool Springs that raises money for Down's Syndrome. Em, Zac and Michael all ran. They all did a great job. Of the three Zac crossed the finish line first, followed by Michael and Em hot on his heels.

During the race, Mom, Cyndi, Coop, Finn and I walked around the checked out the "swag." After the race we all went the Pancake Pantry for a post race breakfast.

When we got home Finn and I spent the afternoon cleaning while Michael worked in the yard. Next we went to church where Finn got arrested. When we went to pick him up from the nursery we saw the church police officer holding Finn at the entrance of the nursery. They told us that he was trying to escape from the nursery so he had to go into police custody. Just kidding, he did try to escape, but he wasn't in trouble. The Officer really enjoyed Finn. He said that Finn talked up a storm and said "bye" to every family that walked by. Some times I feel like I am raising Denise the Menace.

Finn also attended his first picnic. After service tonight we all went outside for hotdogs and watermelon. We let Finn crawl around in the grass while we ate. Finn crawled all over the picnic area, but his favorite place was the ice chest. He stood at one of the coolers and played with the ice. The best thing that happened during the picnic involved ketchup and mustard. As we all know ketchup and mustard taste great on hotdogs. Anyone who knows Michael knows that he loves condiments. Not surprisingly, he loaded his hotdog up with tons of ketchup and mustard. When Michael took the first bite ketchup and mustard squirted out all over Finn's face. It was two perfectly straight lines, one ketchup, the other mustard, going from the top of Finn's ear to his chin. I wish so badly that I had my camera with me.


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