Playin' with the Boys
Finn was in heaven with all those little boys. He was the only show in town and loving every minute of it.
We started out at the house playing with trucks. I had know idea that Finn had gotten so enthusiastic about trucks. Well, the boys had all kinds of trucks and Finn loved them all. It was so funny watching them all play with him, he was having a ball with them.
He finally got tired and stopped long enough to let Joseph give him a bottle. I thought he would surely take a nap but he did not. All the boys were starting to get hungry so we decided to go the country club for lunch and a swim. The club was just about 10 min. away and Finn fell asleep as soon as he got in the car. I didn't want to wake him, but as soon as we stopped he opened his little eyes and said, "up". So off we went.
Finn had fun eating lunch with all the boys. He had yogurt, mac and cheese, some dry cereal and a few black beans. When we all finished lunch we went out to swim. I discovered that Finn does not know he can't swim! He kept trying to kick off and swim to the boys, so we just passed him around the pool and he laughed the whole time! About 3:00 pm they blew the whisle for us to take a break and we all went over to our area to talk. As we all were talking to Finn, he was mid sentence when he just fell asleep in my arms. I was sooo sweet. He kept trying to wake up and say something, but he was to tuckered out. We left the club and headed back home. He woke up about half way home and drank a bottle, the proceeded to talk about all the trucks on the road and them he started singing with the radio till we got home. It was sooo cute. I can't wait for the next big adventure.
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