Just a little this and a little that

No, this is not a real credit card; Finn is way to young to sign a binding contract. However, he is old enough to rummage through the mail and pick out the one thing that remotely looks like legal tender. Can't wait for those teenage years!
Remember son, the love of money is the root of all evil.
Children have their own individual ways of hiding food from their parents when they don't want to finish their suppers. Some kids drop it on the floor, some give it to the family pet, yet others hide it under their plates. Finn . . . .
puts his food in his ears. At any given time you can find a bean, cereal, or hamburger meat in Finn's ears. If you are ever curious as to what Finn had for dinner, just check in his ears - mystery solved.
Finn is starting to learn that eating involves utensils.
He holds the spoon with one hand while eating with the other. He's got it down pat!

This morning Finn was opening all the drawers (that he could reach) in my chest of drawers. He came up with my post pregnancy wrap. He begged me to put it on him and take his picture.
Finally, and I don't have a picture for this, Finn stood all by himself in the bathtub Monday night. He stood up, grabbed his big green cup full of soapy bathwater and took a big slug. He then promptly fell over.


  1. Big Boy Finn!!!! And look at that beautiful crop of hair. Cutie boy...aunt Em loves you


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