Bed Head

 This is how Finn woke up from his nap yesterday.  Does the images of Ace Ventura or Conan O'Brien come to mind???

Friday was good day because all my boys were home.  Michael got back to the house around lunch time and we spent the day together.  Earlier in the day I put the boys in the den while I listened to my book in the kitchen while cooking and cleaning.

Later that afternoon Sam and I took some food to some of our good friends.  I went in to put the food down and started talking (you know me).  I totally forgot that Sam was in the car.  I was probably only inside for about five (5) minutes, but I completely forgot about him.  I am a terrible mother.  And to make matters worse the District Attorney that is responsible for prosecuting child abuse and neglect cases lives right next door.  Luckily she wasn't anywhere to be found.  Also, it wasn't cold outside, the doors were locked, the car off and the emergency break was on.  Sorry Sam.

After Finn went to bed Michael and I watched "Unstoppable."  I held Sam the entire time. 

Sam woke up for his first nightly feeding at 2:45.  After I feed him I laid him back down around 3:15.  He then proceeded to gurgle and talk for an entire hour.  This meant that I was up for an extra hour last night.  Not because I was particularly worried, but because I don't sleep very soundly when he is making noise of any kind.


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