Tummy Time

Yesterday a very special friend of mine came to visit me and Sam.  Her name is Heather and she brought the cutest baby blankets!  To beat all they were home made.  She also brought Sam a really cute outfit.  Sam was very fond of Heather, he let her hold him the entire time.



After Heather left Sam and I took a good nap and Sam had some tummy time.  Unlike Finn, Sam didn't mind tummy time.  Finn would dig his nose into the floor and scream.  Sam, on the other hand, just laid there very content.


Michael got home early yesterday and we spent the afternoon together - that is until I had to start attending meetings by phone at 2:00.  I had a meeting at 2:00 and another one at 4:00.  So far maternity leave has been great.  I haven't missed a hearing or a meeting.  Looks like when I do go back to work full time I won't be too overwhelmed.

After Finn got home we sat down and had dinner.  It was the first time I had cooked since Sam has been born.  Thanks to our good friends and family we have had tons of meals.  After dinner Finn and Sam had a bath.  Before the bath Finn used the potty again.  As treat for using the potty Finn got a small bowl of homemade ice cream.

After Finn went to sleep Michael, Sam and I watched watched the bachelor.

PS:  After dinner I went outside to walk.  When I came back from walking Finn looked at me and said the following:  1) No, go to work.  2) No, don't play with me.  3) Go sit on the couch.  4) Go check on Sam.  All of which hurt my feelings.  Contrast with what Finn told me at nap time. When I was closing his bedroom door he whispered the following:  1) night night mom. 2) sweet dreams. 3) I love you.  Ah, two year olds.  They are so funny.


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