Sticker Man

Yesterday was my first day back to Sunday School and church.  The nursery will not take babies until they are six months old so I have been home with Sam.  Gran stayed with Sam and we went to church.  I was pretty miserable at the end of the service, but overall it was nice to be back.

When we got back from church we ate lunch with Gran and Chelsea and then we spent the rest of the day vegging.  It was freezing outside, overcast and the perfect day to sit around and hold a baby.


Phraseology of the Finnster:

1. On Vanity:  Last night before going to bed I turned on Mickey Mouse.  We hadn't let Finn watch a whole lot of television that day so he was very excited about watching Mickey.  He jumped up on the couch, gave me a big hug around the neck and yelled, "take our picture Daddy."

2. On Learning Modesty: Yesterday Brandon came over to the house to run with Michael in the backyard.  On his way in the door he handed me a box that was left on the front porch.  It was a nursing bra that I had ordered from  While Brandon and Michael were outside Finn opened the Amazon packaging box and pulled out the box that contained the bra and headed for the back door.  I chased Finn down and took it away from him.  He gave me a disappointed look and said, "I need to show this to Brandon."  That would have been mortifying.

3. On Emotions: Today, while standing in the center of the room, Gran asked Finn a question and his response was, "No, that makes me nervous." Goodness, they are just little sponges.  I wish so badly that I could remember what he was talking about with Gran.


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