
This morning Finn used the potty for the first time.  Bear in mind we had to bribe him to do it, but he did it nonetheless.  Here's out it went down.  Last night I bought Finn the "Fillmore" Car. Fillmore is the hippy van that lives in Radiator Springs.  First thing this morning I showed Finn the van.  I told him that if he will use the potty (actually produce some form of waste) he could have Fillmore.  He immediately told me that he wanted to try.  

I sat him down on the potty and after a few seconds, with the saddest eyes in the world and with such defeat in his voice, looked and me and said, "I can't mama."  I told him that it was okay and to try just a little longer. He got a very serious look on his face and within a few second had done it!

He was pretty excited to earn his "Fillmore."
Just a quick picture of my sweet boy before I left for work this morning. 

While I spent a long day at work Finn and Sam stayed home with Gigi.  Later in the Grandad stopped by and visited with the boys as well.  He also brought Finn a new truck.

I learned that Finn and Grandad played with his new truck outside, that they walked down to the pool, and that Finn was too tired to walk back so he rode on Grandad's shoulders.  Finn must have really been tired because when I came downstairs from feeding Sam at 6:00 Finn was sound asleep on the couch. Next we sat down to a dinner of pancakes, biscuits, hashbrown casserole and egg casserole.

Grandad and Gigi left after supper and we immediately put Finn to bed.  Every night before bed we read a story out of Finn's bible.  Every night Finn wants to read the story that he calls "Soup."  The story is about Jacob and Esau.  Finn can tell us who the story is about (Jacob and Esau) and what the story is about ("being nice to your brother").  He is so sweet when he talks about being nice to your brother.  It just goes to show that it is never to early to read bible stories to your children - they really do pick up on it.


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